Monday, October 5, 2009

Tips For Healthy Holiday Eating

10 Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

1. When your kids go to bed, don't finish off the rest of their halloween candy.

2. Don't buy your favorite candy to give out to all of the neighborhood kids (because who are you kidding you are going to eat more than your fair share of it.) Choose something that you aren't too fond of so that giving it away will be easy!

3. During big holiday dinners choose your foods wisely. Balance everything on your plate so that you have a few bites of everything. (And not a few bites of pumpkin pie, pecan pie, truffles, and cheesecake.)

4. Choose your foods wisely. If you are eating mashed potatoes and stuffing do you really need a roll? (Lay off the bread).

5. Make lots of homemade soups, stews, and veggie chili to ensure lots of protein and less carbs and sodium than you would have in other meals or canned soups.

6. Keep healthy snacks around the house! During the holidays you always end up with leftover mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese and pie laying around - don't fall for it! Have some hummus with raw carrots or celery with natural peanut butter instead!

7. Balance, balance, balance. Too much of one thing is never good. Make sure you are balancing your eating choices, balancing your carbs to protein, and balancing your eating to exercising.

8. Go sledding! Although it isn't snowing yet, it will be soon! And don't kid yourself- walking up those huge hills are a great work-out! And spending time with your kids will be priceless :)

9. Try new recipes! It is easy to get stuck in a holiday rut- cooking the same thing year after year. There are lots of great healthy recipes online and this year is a wonderful time to break that rut! Some websites to try are or

10. Enjoy yourself! If you make a bad food choice don't beat yourself up over it. Move on to the next meal and plan accordingly. When you are happy on the inside it radiates to the outside. Holidays are about spending time with the ones you love, so take the time to enjoy it!

Happy Holidays!

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