Friday, October 30, 2009

How To Handle Halloween

Halloween weekend is all about fun with friends, Halloween parties and Trick-or-Treating. But no matter which way you look at it- food and drinks are involved in almost every Halloween activity. Here are a few tips that I practice during the holidays- that may help you to have fun this weekend- without worrying about what the scale will say on Monday morning.

5 Food Tips For Halloween Weekend

1. Check It Out. When you get to a party with lots of food- check it out first- don't immediately just start eating. Take a look around, see what looks the best, and pick what you want most and have a small plate of it.

2. Don't eat standing up. I know this sounds silly- but so much mindless eating goes on at parties when you eat while standing around chatting with your friends. Fix a small plate of food and have a seat so that you will really enjoy the food that you are eating. And when you are done- move on! Go chat and have fun and forget about the food!

3. Don't drink you dinner. A lot of people don't eat food at parties (or before they go to parties) because they say they are just going to drink and they won't be hungry. Wrong. You will end up starving at 2 a.m. and ravaging your fridge or even worse Taco Bell.

4. Watch your drink. Pay attention to what you are drinking. There is so much sugar in mixed drinks (and beer) and if you are drinking and eating sweets you will be on sugar overload! Try a clear liquor with a non-sugary mixer (tonic water or club soda or just water). And obviously try to limit your intake of drinks- your body will not feel good the next day if you overload it.

5. Bring substantial snacks to your party. Little veggie burger sliders, hummus with raw veggies, or even a yummy veggie chili would be a hit at any Halloween party. Don't be afraid to be the one to take something substantial and healthy to a Halloween party. Take something that you would want to eat and will fill you up- and your friends will be so thankful for it too!

And a bonus #6 (I included this in a past blog): When your kids go to bed- don't finish off their Halloween candy! Throw out most of it so it won't even be an option.

Hope this helps you to have a happy and healthy Halloween!

Once again- a lot of the tips that I practice are from Naturally Thin by Bethenny Frankel
Seriously buy it. It will change your life.

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